
week 13.

maya @ week 13 :: february 3, 2006

  • really playing -- she pretty accurately hits and grabs at the dangly bird on her mirror toy in her crib. she also likes to kick the bird on her "thunder-dome." it appears she likes the toys with little jingle bells inside (both bird toys mentioned above have bells).
  • she is holding up her neck just a bit higher when she's on her stomach.
  • i'm trying to keep her in her crib at night to sleep (instead of co-sleeping with me).
  • it appears like she is trying to keep herself upright when she's in a sitting position. instead of leaning back on the couch, she'll curl her back as if she's using her abs to hold herself up.
  • last night she had some icky spit-up that seemed to upset her. JR was holding her, but when she saw me she actually leaned away from him and reached her arms out to me! love!

    Northern_Girl said...

    Cute. Very. And my she is getting SO big!

    grudge girl said...

    Wow! She looks really different in this picture. More like a little girl, you know? With a very sweet little face.

    And the outfit is adorable!

    I know what you mean about the reach for mommy thing. Also LOVE! (Especially when she's being held by my mother-in-law. Heh.)

    yucaree said...

    thanks, ladies! this week i chose a more demurely smiling maya picture instead of a big grin picture. thought it showed off her cute big eyes.

    i can't believe she's already 3 months old. how quickly the time flies.