the day is finally here :: election day! we headed out as a family this morning to our polling place (conveniently located across the street) and participated in this historic election. while rupert voted the kids used the practice inkadot machine to mark their own ballots. when we got home maya proudly put her ballot on the fridge and ian penciled in "obama" on his "i voted" sticker and went to school with it on his shirt.
I remain completely astonished that the "big turn" out for this election remains at 50 to 60% of registered voters. What is wrong with people? It is bad enough that many don't register and there for do not go vote...but then there are those who actually bother to register and still sit and home on the keesters. I guess if they are that lazy, I am glad they are not voting because they wouldn't bother to be informed...but sadly there are many voting who vote but don't bother to get informed either.
What a mess our society is at times and I think voting participation really highlights this.
Dude, we watied 2 1/2 hours at our neighborhood clubhouse/polling place. The line wasn't even that long, it was just that they only had 2 machines, and the turnout this year was so much larger than in the past. I was ready for it with snacks and drinks and toys and stuff, and the kids were really patient, but poor Holland! I'm still nursing him, and I wasn't going to whip out the boob on line (I'm ok most of the time with public nursing, but I like to find a quiet corner and sit and cover up and read), so he had to have a bottle, which he HATES to get from ME. Oh, he was so MAD! And we had to jump line and bust into the clubhouse to use the restroom a couple of times, even though they had it blocked off with chairs, like, no one's allowed to use this but poll workers or something. Whatever! Little kids! Anyway, I didn't even care, despite all the ordeal, because I was so so SOOOOO excited. Yay Obama!!!!!
p.s. For the first time, I can say I'm a blue stater, and I couldn't be more proud. Yay, Indiana! Way to do the right thing!
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