
i knew i was worth something around here ...

salary.com came out with the 2007 figure of how much moms would earn if you tallied up all they do during the week :: $138,095. that's a heck of a lot of money. i wonder what life would be like if mother were an "actual job" and the government (or some entity) paid a salary?? i'm sure more moms would stay at home. and dads too. but would the productivity of the nation, and therefore the economy, go down? but if moms had more spending power that would boost the economy, wouldn't it? interesting ...

i know moms (working moms and stay-at-home moms) who definitely are worth the $138,095 mom salary + regular job salary. they put me to shame. i can't really say that i do enough to earn much money. i know that i do stuff around here to keep things chugging along but compared to other moms i'm not very productive. i would, in fact, probably get fired from the job of sahm. thank goodness i'm the boss around here!

p.s. you can personalize the mom salary to see how much you would get paid by using the mom salary wizard. i plugged in numbers for the number of hours i think i do stuff around the house, my zip code, and voila! apparently i could earn $143,354 as a mom in my area. okay, okay, i might've fibbed a bit on how many hours i work as the janitor at home ...

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