
Week in the Life 2011 :: Day 6, Saturday

6:15am: It's hot or something and I'm uncomfortable. Toss and turn for awhile and decide to get up around 6:30.

7:00am: Get dressed for yoga and hang out in the living room, checking my email and FB on the iPad. Ian wakes up.

7:15am: Leave for yoga. Run into an acquaintance/neighbor who's trying out YogaWorks for the first time. I guess there was another Groupon; the class is fuller than usual with new students.

9:00am: Finish my class and browse the sale rack at the store portion of the studio. It takes awhile but I finally pick out a tank top, a halter top, and a yoga mat (a purple one!). I use the credit I had on my account so I pay less than $5 for all of it.

9:45am: Get home and rest for a bit; nothing like three pieces of Rice Crispy Treats to give you a little sugar boost. The kids and Rupert go for a bike ride and Rupert's usual exercise routine at Glasgow Park.

Saturday: farmers market haul
10:20am: Walk over to the farmers market to pick up a few things. Get some fruit, veggies, and a baguette for tonight's picnic with S and D.

10:40am: Get home to an empty house. Load the dishwasher, start boiling water for the corn, and brew a big pot of coffee for my ice coffee. The kids get home from their bike ride.

Saturday: reading and eating corn
11:20am: I get hungry so I reheat A's leftovers from the other night. Maya finds Pucca on the Netflix and starts a marathon of TV watching. After I eat (a very filling) lunch, I get comfortable on the couch and read until I fall asleep (a very normal occurrence during the weekend).

1:10pm: Wake up to Maya complaining that she wants to eat some of Ian's chicken egg rolls. Rupert goes to take a shower. Ian shares an egg roll with Maya but neither of them can finish the last one so I end up eating it.

1:30pm: Take a shower and get ready to go. Rupert wants to go to Target to buy new socks and show me the cabinet he wants to buy for the kids' bathroom. Then we need to go to TJ's to get dessert and some drinks for tonight.

Saturday: shopping at Target
2:00pm: Shop at Target. Decide to just get the food for tonight there so we don't have to make another stop.

2:20pm: That's the fastest we've ever gotten out of Target!

2:50pm: Get home, pack up the food, and leave for LACMA to see the Tim Burton exhibit with our friends S and D.

Saturday: LACMA
3:20pm: We make great time and get there in less than half an hour. I pick up the tickets and since we're not supposed to meet S and D until 3:45, we wander around a bit, slowly making our way toward the Resnick Pavilion.

Saturday: Tim Burton exhibit
3:50pm: Meet up with S and D and get in line for the exhibit. There's no photography allowed in the exhibit, which is unfortunate because there's lots of cool, creepy, creative stuff in there from Burton's career. Of course, Maya is having a hard time staying interested and Rupert is a good sport about schlepping her around. In the gift shop, at Rupert's suggestion, I buy a poster for our friends' upcoming baby shower.

Saturday: escalator to the Broad Contemporary
5:10pm: Make our way out of the exhibit, take a short detour up the escalator of the Broad Contemporary to check out the view, and then go stake out a spot for our picnic.

Saturday: picnic dinner @ LACMA
5:20pm: There's live music playing in the background, S made a fantastic chicken salad, the weather's perfect, and the kids have plenty of space to run around.

Saturday: Hug!
7:20pm: Say good-bye to D and S and swing by the gift shop before heading out. I buy some books for my library. The kids play around the big inflatable multi-eyed monster outside. Leave LACMA around 7:40pm.

8:00pm: Get home. Watch a little bit of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which is on TV. This is the only HP movie we don't own.

9:00pm: I start downloading pictures and recapping today's activities on this blog. The kids go to bed. Maya's bedtime story is the Korgi story from the same Free Comic Book Day comic they read from last night.

9:30pm: Rupert watches some Twin Peaks on Netflix while waiting for the current season of No Reservations to download to his computer.

11:30pm: Geez, Twin Peaks is weird. Head to bed.

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