
i've been tagged!

grudge girl tagged me -- i've never been tagged before! but i've seen this tag all over the place and, i must admit, i've secretly been thinking up answers for it just in case. so here goes ...

4 jobs i've had
1) human resources analyst at morgan stanley's tokyo branch
2) graduate student researcher at ucla
3) computer lab instructor in little tokyo (los angeles)
4) elementary school substitute teacher

4 places i've lived
1) manhattan beach, california
2) ithaca, new york
3) washington, d.c.
4) tokyo, japan

4 movies i'd watch again
1) anything by hayao miyazaki
2) lord of the rings trilogy
3) anything by wes anderson
4) crouching tiger hidden dragon

4 tv shows i like
1) jeopardy
2) the simpsons
3) sesame street
4) docchi no ryouri shou

4 places i've been on vacation
1) hawaii
2) hong kong
3) key west
4) japan

4 websites i visit daily
1) ali edwards blog
2) gmail
3) amazon.com
4) blogger

4 of my favorite foods
1) asian soup noodle dishes (especially with wontons)
2) fried chicken
3) bacon
4) sushi

4 places i'd rather be
1) japan
2) hawaii
3) in what used to be my office, scrapbooking
4) sleeping in my bed

unfortunately, i don't know who to tag ... there aren't many people who read this blog. so, i tag anyone who reads this!


grudge girl said...

You're such a smarty. Check out those jobs! Dude!

Ooo. I forgot about LOTR. Totally would watch those again!

Man. You've lived in such interesting places. I haven't even lived in 4 different places. Unless you count my various houses and apartments all over this city. I'm lame. :(

yucaree said...

okay allison, i'm tagging you!

it's basically like those chain emails where you have to answer questions about yourself. i think the protocol is to say who tagged you and then list the four things in the topic. then you tag someone else who has a blog.

yucaree said...

GG, you are not lame! the only reason i've lived in these different places is because i HAD to get away from my parents after high school. i chose somewhere FAR FAR away. and the only reason i moved to tokyo was because i didn't have any memory of ever really living in japan, even though i was born there and spent every summer there until i was in high school. both experiences were extraordinary and i'm glad i did it, but as you can see, i ended up right back where i started from!

as for the jobs, i haven't lasted longer than 9 months in any of them! not so smart. ;)