
before i forget

pregnancy brain means forgetful brain, so i want to jot this down before i forget. i often have very vivid dreams, but recently i've found that my dreams are greatly influenced by what i'm thinking about.

the other day, after i blogged about my progress (or lack thereof) in the decluttering department, i dreamed that my mother had come and totally reorganized my entire house without my knowledge. you'd think i would be grateful for this help. instead i was furious with her for moving things around and throwing things out without asking me. in particular, she had totally cleared off our bathroom counter, which is overloaded with stuff (including mini jars of jam and a tiny salt & pepper shaker stolen off a plane over six months ago). honestly, it looked nice but all i could do was yell at her. i mentioned this dream to JR and my impression was that he was thinking, "well, at least the dream me gets to enjoy a clean bathroom counter!" so maybe that's where my non-baby room decluttering should begin.

last night i dreamed about my little sister. she's currently at the university of hawaii and i emailed her right before going to bed. sure enough, i dreamed i was with her in college, trying to "mother" her as i often do. she must find this utterly annoying. not only is our actual mother extremely trying on our nerves at times -- pestering us about the tiniest details about everything -- but i do it to my sister, too. i don't know how she stands it. in any case, there i was in the dream, clucking away like a mother hen, trying to get her act together for her. when am i going to learn that she has to do it for herself? this is a lesson i should also keep in mind with my actual children.

in any case, the vivid dreaming is entertaining at times but sometimes it startles me awake (like the dream last week where my non-swimming son jumped into the ocean off of a dock) and keeps me from sleeping.

i only mention these dreams because i'm off to take a nap, and who knows what dreams i'll have this afternoon ...


Hobokener said...

My pregnant wife has all SORTS of crazy dreams. and forgetfullness too - but I can't tell that story becuase I'm not allowed.

yucaree said...

you're a smart man, hobokener! the wrath of a pregnant woman is far worse than an insane non-pregnant woman.

Hobokener said...

As usual, I couldn't disagree more with Scooper. What incredible disrespect to our loyal friends the Cuacaoese.