
as long as you don't mind the mess

we had some visitors this past weekend to see maya. normally, having company over is the best way to get me to clean the house. however, in my current zombie-like condition i wasn't able to tidy up very much. i hope they didn't notice the dust and clutter too much ...

on saturday, our friends D & P came over with food (ribs!). while they were here, my aunt, uncle, and grandma came up from orange county. since my parents hadn't seen them in a little while, my mom and dad dropped by, too.

on sunday, A, her husband D, and baby D came over. i hadn't seen A and baby D since brunch in october. my, how baby D has grown! he is absolutely adorable. he's gotten quite big since i saw him last and much more sturdy looking. and, after holding 7 pound maya, he felt like a ton of bricks (in a healthy way, of course)! i can't imagine maya weighing that much in two-and-a-half months ...


grudge girl said...

All of your family members are quite beautiful, you know? Maya looks so teensy!


(no ribs allowed over here at casa de 3/5ths vegetarians)

I'm sure no one even noticed the clutter. Phooey on clutter. Phooey I say!

New Teach said...

Turns out our baby is measuring about 10 lbs 4 oz - we'll never get to see her tiny! She's so big they're taking her out the front way tomorrow. Unless she arrives on her own tonight...and I think I may be in labor now, so that's possible!

yucaree said...

i also say phooey to clutter! (actually, at the start of this blog i was supposed to chronicle my progress with getting rid of clutter, but that clearly hasn't happened!) and phooey to dust! actually, i'm allergic to dust so it's a catch-22: i can't clean because it makes me sneeze but then the house remains dusty!